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Our Languages Curriculum

We aim to provide a high quality, well-planned, sequenced and ambitious languages curriculum. Learning a foreign language, French, provides an opening to another culture. We strongly believe that a high quality languages education will foster pupils' curiosity and deepen their understanding of the world. Our languages curriculum enables pupils to express their ideas and thoughts in another language and to understand and respond both in speech and writing. 


Through our high-quality and well-resourced language curriculum, we want to engage and inspire children to develop a love of French and their ability to communicate for practical purposes.  As children progress through the school, we want them to develop their knowledge of phonics, vocabulary and grammar of French, equipping them for future learning of further languages and their ability to study and work in other countries when they are older.  

We specifically want children to know how to:

  • gain knowledge and understanding of spoken French in conversation formats

  • increase children’s knowledge of other cultures that utilise the French language

  • to relate children’s knowledge of the structure of Modern Foreign Languages to the structure of the English language

  • know and understand different conversational formalities to allow them to use French politely and appropriately

  • encourage in children an appreciation of what ‘global citizenship’ means

  • develop a variety of other skills, including those of reading, speaking and listening and music.

  • enjoy learning a foreign language


How we teach French at St. Luke's

During key stage 2, children are taught the French language using the 'Language Angels' scheme. Children experience the four key language learning skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing and all the necessary grammar. This will enable them to apply their learning in a variety of contexts , laying down solid foundations for future language learning.

Our French Overview and Progression Map
