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British Values at St Luke's

St Luke's Promotion of British Values

All schools are expected to promote fundamental British Values as part of Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural Development in schools. (Department of Education November 2014) We agree with the Department of Education's five part definition of British Values -Democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, mutual respect, tolerance of those of difference faiths and beliefs. Our statement below should be read in conjunction with the Prevent Duty Guidance and our Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural Development Policy.

British Values in action at St Luke's!

Learning about Democracy


Our School Councillors, House Captains and Junior Road Safety Officers are elected annually by school members
In school, we always place an emphasis on children contributing to our school community by volunteering to take on roles of responsibility. Following the annual democratic process of elections, we congratulate the following children as they have taken on the challenge of being a School Councillor, House Captain or Junior Road Safety Officer, this academic year. 


Our School Councillors 2023-2024

Our School Council meet regularly. Last year focused on how they can help the environment through recycling. In Autumn 2021, the School Council organised a Clothes Recycling Event. Drawing attention to the need to reduce waste, they asked children to bring in unwanted/outgrown clothes so that someone else could benefit from them. Nearly 600 items were donated and found new homes therefore reducing waste.






Year 1


Maximillian Small

George Holyoake

Year 2


Jack BarnesLola Borg

Year 3


Casey LoganIsabelle Mead

Year 4


Hugo BrooksImogen Fisher

Year 5


Jamie GoodBonnie Plummer

Year 6


Jack SmoutElla Fisher



Our House Captains 2023-24







Harry Gale


Hephzibah Ogunjimi



Toby Logan


Alex Duckworth



Seb Mantell


Nyah Hopwood


Henry Millard


Phoebe Small

Our House Captains lead House Teams in school competitions and encourage teams to earn housepoints.


Every week, housepoints are collected and the winning team, red, yellow, blue or green is announced and celebrated in our whole school assembly.


A housepoint display in the school hall is updated weekly in the school hall and celebrates the winning house each week. 



Our Junior Road Safety Officers 2023-24



Year 5

Year 6

Junior Road Safety Officers


Jasmine Good

Oliver How


Nora Kirk

Phoebe Small



Our Junior Road Safety Officers - JRSOs, elected by their peers, are responsible for sharing key information about road safety with others in the school.


Our JRSOs will be attending a training session next month and will then be focusing on encouraging pupils to walk to school in October for our Walk to School Week.

Learning about being a good Global Neighbour

Through our curriculum and in Collective Worship, we teach children about the importance of being a good Global Neighbour. In July 2018, the School Council planned and led a whole school Collective Worship launching the Global Neighbours scheme. They told us all about the Christian Aid Global Neighbours Scheme. They encouraged us all to take responsibility for global issues, inspiring us to take action to help others. Their powerpoint is below.

To find out more about Global Neighbours at St Luke's, visit our Global Neighbours page below:

Ex pupils Oliver Smith and Matt Witt return to St Luke's! - September 2018

It was fantastic to welcome ex pupils Oliver Smith and Matt Witt back to St Luke's. Then, pupils at Priestlands School, in Collective Worship, they shared how they were aiming to help others in Kenya in Summer 2019. The presentation that they shared with us is below.

Learning about democracy  Democratic voting processes in school support lots of opportunities to contribute to decision making in school and in the wider community.


Just some of the examples below about how we learn about democracy

Giving views on local issues - working with the Parish Council

In Autumn 2015, when Sway Parish Council asked villagers for their views about how the Council can enhance public open space, sport and recreational facilities in Sway, the Council had 60k to spend from S106 developers money. Parish Councillors met with our School Council for their ideas.


For the latest information on our School Council, please visit


Finding out about the Magna Carta and the first Parliament in Collective Worship

In Collective Worship, we learn about British values, in particular democracy, how the Magna Carta, agreed in 1215 by King John and the Barons has influenced governments and democracy today.

A visit to the Houses of Parliament

In June 2016, Year 6 had a fantastic trip to London to better understand our democracy and how decisions are taken.  We went on a walking tour to see 10 Downing Street and Buckingham Palace.  We then had the privilege of touring the Palace of Westminster, seeing for ourselves the Commons' benches and the House of Lords.  We finished with a workshop called the 'People's Parliament', reminding the children of how their right to vote and have their say has been hard won over the years and should not be taken for granted. 

Learning about the Rule of Law

Our School Golden Rules
At St Luke's, we adopt a positive approach to managing behaviour. Our Golden Rules are displayed in every classroom and around the school. Everyone is expected to follow them and understand that they are there to ensure a safe and productive learning environment. To find out more about behaviour at St Luke's, visit


To view our behaviour policy, please visit

Exercising individual liberty and making the right choices

Learning about contributing to school life through teamwork and working hard

Every year, children think about the need to work successfully both independently and collaboratively. Like Team Bee, one of our Learning Heroes, children recognise that we need to think positively and have a can do attitude. Everyone is encouraged to proudly volunteer and represent our school in team events, or as monitors.


Anti Bullying and Cyberbullying workshops
We regularly hold Gripping Yarns drama workshops which address bullying and cyber-bullying issues. Children are taught how to behave safely both offline and online and there is also an emphasis on children learning how they can keep themselves safe. Our Year 6 led an assembly about what children can to if they are worried about bullying. We take part in Antibullying Week each year and also hold regular NSPCC assemblies.


Our Acceptable use of IT policies
Our online safety policy and acceptable use of IT policies for parents, staff and Year R / KS1 and 2 children can all be found at

Learning about mutual respect

Love in a Box
Every year, children and families in the school take part in 'Love in a Box.' At Christmas time, Mustard Seed Relief Missions, an Eastbourne based Christian charity, operates a 'Love in a Box' appeal, when everyone is invited to pack shoeboxes with Christmas gifts for children. These are then loaded and transported by Mustard Seed to areas of need in Croatia, Bosnia, Romania, Ukraine and Iraq. As a school. we support this appeal, encouraging children to think about how they can contribute to our global community.​​​​​​​


Working with Lymington Rotary Club to raise money for a Shelter Box

In November 2015, Geoff Stokes, Martin Wilson, Roger Ling and Nikki Stone from Lymington Rotary came into school to present a certificate to St Luke's School for our fundraising efforts following the devastating earthquake in Nepal. Money raised when toward the purchase of a Shelter Box.



The school Kindness Cup

Children and staff are encouraged to vote for a child when they see an act of kindness, such as helping someone with their work or looking after them at playtime.  During celebration worship, names are picked out of the ballot box and they are awarded the Kindness Cup. Here are some of our Year 6, who recently were voted to receive the Kindness Cup after volunteering as lunchtime helpers at lunchtime. 


Learning about different faiths and traditions

Through R.E, children learn about Christianity, Judaism, Islam and Hinduism considering and reflecting on key concepts. For example, Y1/2 built their own Sukkah when learning about Sukkot within Judaism. Year 4 enjoyed learning to play African drums in music this year, experiencing music within a different culture. The school has strong links with the parish of Kibirizi in Rwanda and children are continually learning about the Kibirizi community.  We have over the past few years fundraised to support the building of a new school and the training of two teachers. In addition to this, children also learn about key traditions and festivals linked with different cultures. e.g. Chinese New Year.
