Home Page

Year 1

Welcome to Year 1

Miss Lamb is the class teacher. On this page, you will find information about Year One, news, pictures of amazing pieces of work and more. 


Arrival and Collection Times

All children should enter and leave school via their external classroom door. 

All children should arrive between 8.45am – 8.55am.  

All children should be collected at 3.20pm. 


Breakfast Club & After School Club -  Children in Year R,1 to 6 should arrive as normal and be taken to Breakfast Club room. They will be taken to their Classroom ready for lessons. Breakfast Club will be open from 7.45am. After School Club will be open until 5.45pm. 


Children in Class 1 will need their P.E. kits on Monday and Thursday. Please note that all children are expected to wear school uniform to school. This means that children will be expected to bring their P.E. kit to school and to change into it at school. All clothing and personal belongings should be clearly marked with your child’s name. P.E. kits should consist of jogging bottoms, shorts, a house-coloured t-shirt, jumper and trainers.


Link to School Uniform / P.E. Uniform Expectations Page 


In Year 1, children learn to orally retell different types of texts using story maps and actions. We ask all parents to support children with learning these texts at home orally, so that children can use them to create their own versions. The table below highlights the text types and texts that we are learning in Year 1.


DateText TypeText Title

N/A - Recap of Phase 2, 3 and 4 Phonics

N/A - Recap of Phase 2, 3 and 4 Sounds

23/09/24Non-Narrative: Letter writingBegu
14/10/24N/A - Recap of Phase 2, 3 and 4 PhonicsN/A - Recap of Phase 2, 3 and 4 Sounds
05/12/24NarrativeThe Magical Toy Box
06/01/25NarrativeMr Funny and the Magic Lamp
03/02/25Non-Narrative: Letter writingPaddington's Post
24/02/24NarrativeThe Story of Pirate Tom
24/03/24NarrativeThe Lighthouse Keeper's Lunch
 NarrativeThe Rainbow Fish
 Non-Narrative: Non-chronological ReportSea Creatures
 Non - Narrative: RecountTrip to the Seaside


Little Wandle Resources

Maths No Problem

As a school, we place emphasis on teaching Maths using a Maths Mastery approach. We place emphasis on children learning to develop their fluency, reasoning and problem solving skills. We use Maths No Problem Maths Textbooks and Workbooks in school. To find out more, visit to watch parent videos all about how we teach Maths at St Luke's.

The table below highlights the textbook and chapters that we are learning in Year 1. The table will be updated and added to throughout the year. If you wish to purchase a copy of the Maths No Problem Textbook A and B and Workbook A and B for your year group for use at home and also find out more about how Maths is taught in school, these are available to order at


We ask all parents to support children with learning their number bonds at home; this is key to children being successful as Mathematicians.


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Hit the Button: 




ICT Games: 


DateFocus Textbook Chapter and Title
02.09.24Year 1 Textbook A - Chapter 1 - Numbers to 10
16.09.24Year 1 Textbook A - Chapter 2 - Number bonds to 10
23.09.24Year 1 Textbook A - Chapter 3 - Addition to 10
07.10.24Year 1 Textbook A - Chapter 4 - Subtraction to 10
14.10.24Year 1 Textbook A - Chapter 5 - Positions
21.10.24Year 1 Textbook A - Chapter 6 - Numbers to 20
05.11.24Year 1 Textbook A - Chapter 7 - Addition and Subtraction to 20
09.12.24Year 1 Textbook A - Chapter 8 - Shapes and Patterns
06.01.25Year 1 Textbook A - Chapter 9 - Length and Height
20.01.25Year 1 Textbook A - Revision of Textbook A
27.01.25Year 1 Textbook A - Revision of Textbook A
03.02.25Year 1 Textbook B - Chapter 10 - Numbers to 40
24.02.25Year 1 Textbook B - Chapter 11 - Addition and Subtraction Word Problems
03.03.25Year 1 Textbook B - Revision of Textbook B and revision of counting to 100
10.03.25Year 1 Textbook B - Revision of Textbook B and revision of counting to 100
17.03.25Year 1 Textbook B - Chapter 12 - Multiplication
24.03.25Year 1 Textbook B - Chapter 13 - Division
07.04.25Year 1 Textbook B - Chapter 14 - Fractions
 Year 1 Revision of 3D shapes, missing number problems and patterns
 Year 1 Textbook B - Revision of Division and Fractions
 Year 1 Textbook B - Revision of Spring 1
 Year 1 Textbook B - Chapter 15 - Numbers to 100 
 Year 1 Textbook B - Chapter 16 - Time
 Year 1 Textbook B - Chapter 17 - Money
 Year 1 Textbook B - Chapter 18 - Capacity
 Year 1 Textbook B - Chapter 19 - Mass
 Year 1 Textbook B - Chapter 20 - Space
 Year 1 Textbook B - End of Year Revision
 Year 1 Textbook B - End of Year Revision
 Year 1 Textbook B - End of Year Revision
 Year 1 Textbook B - End of Year Revision



Class Country

We will be learning all about England. We will investigate where it is in the world and find out facts about what it is like to live in England.

Settling in to Year 1

Snow day
