Our PTA works enthusiastically and tirelessly to raise funds for our school and to enhance our children's activities and experiences during their time at the school. The Committee and parents meet regularly to discuss ideas for events to raise money for school improvement priorities. The ONLY way these wonderful events can happen is because of YOU. A huge 'thank you' to everyone who has helped us so far.
Headteacher - Rachel Goplen
Chairperson - Vacancy
Treasurer - Victoria Thomas
Secretary - Hannah Small
So we can continue and indeed grow, the facilities and activities for our children, we are always keen to welcome new faces to help organise the above events and more. We meet around 6 times a year to discuss and arrange events. These are social meetings, usually held in the evenings in the Hare and Hounds or the Silver Hind. Alternatively, we meet at the school during the day. Ad hoc meetings also happen to suit you. Future meetings are listed below. All parents are warmly invited to attend; we look forward to seeing you.
At this Special General Meeting, we plan to nominate and appoint roles as per FOSLSS Constitution, namely a Chair, Deputy Chair, Treasurer and a minimum of six committee members. We'll also confirm those already in position as per the minutes of the November AGM: President, Vice President and Secretary.
If you can't attend meetings but are interested in getting more involved or are able to spare a couple of hours to help with events listed below, the FOSLSS team would love to hear from you. Email us at foslss@st-lukes.hants.sch.uk Alternatively, come along and support our events throughout the year.
Future Events
Here is a list of some of the amazing things that have been fundraised for by FOSLSS currently and in previous years:
Thank you every one who supports us with words of encouragement and helps at events. Together, we are able to provide many extra wonderful opportunities for our children in school.
FOSLSS continue to pay for extras for children, for example, additional workshops, visiting authors, pantomimes, plays for children to enjoy! We are now also looking to replace our existing minibus, as it is coming to its end of life! We will need approximately £50,000 for a brand new minibus or £10,000 a year to lease one. FOSLSS are currently raising money to support leasing or purchase of a new one. As a result of having a minibus, children in school are able to attend sporting events and other extra curricular activities.