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School Dinners

Hampshire school lunch menu from 15th April 2024

Additional daily Jacket Potato option


     Monday              - jacket potato with cheese and baked beans

     Tuesday             - jacket potato with tuna mayonnaise

     Wednesday      - jacket potato with sausage and baked beans

     Thursday           - jacket potato with cheese

     Friday                 - jacket potato with baked beans


'Pupils are developing a very good understanding of a healthy lifestyle' - OFSTED

School Meals

The school meals at St. Luke's School are cooked on the school site in the school kitchen and there is a choice of hot meals provided every day.  Menus offer children the chance to have vegetables and fruit as part of their lunch. These are available to all children at a cost of £3.20 per day (from 1st September 2024), i.e. £16 per week.  Payment for hot school lunches should be made online at (please contact the office if you need assistance with online payments).  You will see when you log in to Parentpay, that you can order well in advance by clicking through the weeks. 


Payment should be made in advance of receipt of meals. All school meals should be ordered for the week ahead by Sunday at midnight. Please ensure your child knows what you have ordered. 


All children eat their lunch in the school hall or their classroom.  A drink of water is always available.  Some parents prefer that their children bring sandwiches to eat for lunch and they have the option to bring their own healthy packed lunch.

Food Allergies

Due to the increasing incidence of nut allergies amongst children, we ask children to exclude nuts or nut products in packed lunches. The school is a NUT FREE ZONE! Contact with nuts or nut products is potentially life threatening to children with nut allergies.


Universal Free School Meals

All children in the Infants, i.e. those children in Years R, 1 and 2 will automatically receive a hot school dinner, free of charge.  This means that all children need to do each day is to choose from the menu (see link above).


There is no need to pay anything as the government have already provided schools with additional funding to cover this initiative.  In support of this, although the take up of the free hot meals is not compulsory, unless we hear otherwise from individual parents, we will automatically provide all Infant children with a hot meal free of charge.
