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Maths Curriculum Overview



At St. Luke's, we aim for all children to be able to:

  • believe that they can achieve well at mathematics and welcome the challenge to do so
  • develop a fascination and love of numbers and spacial awareness
  • become fluent and confident mathematicians
  • explain their mathematical thinking clearly
  • solve problems by reasoning
  • apply their mathematical skills in a wide range of situations
  • transfer to the next stage of their education having achieved age related goals so that they can be successful in their future lives


How do we teach Mathematics at St. Luke's?

The Maths Mastery Approach

At St Luke's, we use a Maths Mastery Approach and Maths — No Problem! Children are encouraged to develop fluency, reasoning and problem solving skills through a concrete-pictorial-abstract approach. In lessons, children use Maths — No Problem! textbooks and workbooks. They also use concrete resources to ensure a depth of understanding. 


We also make use of the NCETM ( and NRICH Mathematics ( to support children to develop problem solving skills.



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In school, we also use a range of web based software. We use:

  • IXL to practise different mathematical skills
  • Hit the Button to practise number bonds and times tables
  • Times Tables Rock Stars to practise times tables


Once you have received a username and password (in yellow reading diary), you can access these at home to help your child improve their Maths skills.




Supporting your child at home with Mathematics

Helping your child at home is always important. Please visit to find out what your child is currently learning in Maths. Please also refer to the documents below to help you understand how we teach aspects of Maths so that you can support your child using the same methods they learn at school.
