Our Geography Curriculum
We aim to provide a high quality, well-planned, sequenced and ambitious Geography curriculum. Believing that Geography is about providing children with the opportunity to develop a curiosity and fascination about the world around them that will remain with them long after they leave school, we aim to provide children with the opportunity to develop their locational knowledge, place knowledge, understanding of human and physical geography in addition to developing their geographical and fieldwork skills.
Through our high quality and well-resourced Geography curriculum, children will learn about diverse places, people, resources, natural and human environments. In addition to developing a deep understanding of the Earth's key physical and human processes, children will exploring wider current issues such as sustainability, interdependence and diversity. As children progress through the school, they will acquire key geographical skills enabling them to carry out fieldwork, interpret a range of geographical information, including maps, diagrams, globes, aerial photographs and Geographical Information Systems (GIS), communicating geographical informations in a variety of ways.
We specifically want children to:
Geography at Home
We would love children to be engaged with geography and awareness of the world around them all of the time. At home, this could include: