Our uniform can be purchased from specific retailers or more widely, including from our regular second hand FOSLSS uniform sales.
You can try on and buy uniform at the PMG Schoolwear shop in New Milton (you can also order uniform online at https://www.pmgschoolwear.co.uk/). You can also purchase school uniform online through: My Clothing at https://myclothing.com/st-lukes-church-of-england-primary-school/7576.school and Brigade at http://www.brigade.uk.com
Throughout the year, FOSLSS, our parent-teacher association runs second hand uniform sales after school. Dates of uniform sales are published in our school newsletters and in the diary section on our website. Gates open slightly earlier and uniform is available to buy before you collect your child(ren). Second hand items are £1 per item.
St. Luke's School has a uniform all children are expected to wear it. We believe that wearing school uniform encourages children to be neat and tidy for work, prevents discrimination, reduces arguments about clothes at home, makes recognition of pupils easier and fosters a pride in our school. All children will be encouraged to keep themselves neat and tidy and to take pride in their general appearance.
Mid-grey skirt, pinafore, tunic or mid- grey trousers
Navy school sweatshirt or cardigan with school logo
White polo shirt or blouse (plain or with school logo)
White, grey or navy socks/ tights
Black or blue shoes - NO TRAINERS
For health and safety reasons, trainers, boots, slingbacks, open-toed sandals or high heeled shoes should not be worn in school, nor should children wear make up or nail varnish.
Please refer to our School Shoes Expectation Document below for clarity about our expectation in relation to shoes.
It is a good idea to provide your child with an old shirt or apron for protection when taking part in Art and Craft activities.
Children are not permitted to wear earrings or other jewellery. Plain studs are permitted for those children who have pierced ears. During PE, studs will need to be removed or covered with surgical tape. In general terms, you are advised not to allow your child to wear jewellery at school in case of loss, damage or injury.