We need your support to make the school run safer. Every year, we take part in Walktober. In previous years, Basil Bird has welcomed children to school during the walk to school initiative, 'Walktober', when the whole school has been invited to walk from the Jubilee Field to school. We are always really impressed with the number of children who take part in Walktober.
However, in order to make the school run safer, we ask everybody in the school community to help make our school run safer and healthier by walking, scooting or cycling to school every day. There’s lots of cycling storage and it makes a really healthy start to the day, cuts down on congestion outside of the school and improves the air quality. In particular, we really want to reduce the numbers of cars on Westbeams and Church Lane. Our Park and Stride scheme is in place. We ask all families to make use of the park and stride facilities at the Jubilee Fields. We thank the Parish Council and local businesses, for fully supporting this scheme.